Friday, October 26, 2018

Week of October 22, 2018

Monday: Art
Tuesday: Library and Music
Wednesday: Spanish
Thursday: Physical Education
Friday:  Art

Theme: Halloween
Fundations: The letters v and w
Wonders: What are the sounds we hear?
Math: Number Combinations

In Your BBE:
-Interims: These are yours to keep.  I will have a copy at conferences to reference.
-Everything else in the BBE's is yours to look over and keep at home.

Image result for halloween-Reading Eggs: At least 25 minutes total.
-Homelink 3-1
-Rest up for a busy week!

Special Events:
Monday: Pumpkin Day
Tuesday: Art Show Field Trip
Wednesday: Halloween Party and Parade
Thursday: Science with Mrs. S
Friday: Recover :)

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