Saturday, September 23, 2017

Week of September 25, 2017

Monday: Music
Tuesday: Spanish
Wednesday: Physical Education
Thursday: Art
Friday: Library and Music

Theme: Apples
Fundations: letters o and c
Math: Dot Cards and Triangles

In your BBE:
-Name Paper: Have your student write their name as close to how I wrote it as possible, as many times as they can fit.  Letters that are highlighted should be written correctly since we have learned them already.
-Letters u and i: Please have your student just write the lowercase version of each letter.  I circled the prompts in the top right corner that you can use while they write.
-Everything else is your's to look over and keep!

-Reading: Up to 15 minutes total on Reading Eggs
-Math: Homelink 1-13
-Writing: Name writing and letters u and i

Special Events:
Tuesday: Miss Deyarmin out in the afternoon (Doctor's Appointment)
Wednesday: Pride Day (Wear Bay Village Colors)

Image result for apples

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