Thursday, September 26, 2019

Week of September 30, 2019

Monday: Library and Spanish
Tuesday: Physical Education
Thursday: Music
Friday: Spanish

Theme: Apples
Fundations: The letters "d" and "s"
Wonders: What shapes do you see around you?
Math: Counting

In Your BBE:
-Book Orders: All book orders should be placed online using the class code QBLB7 by Friday, October 9th.
-Name Homework
-Clever Badges-This is the red laminated half sheet.  Keep this safe at home to access JiJi math and eventually Reading Eggs (Reading Eggs will be next month)

-Name Writing Homework: Have your child trace the green marker letters then write their name on each green line.  Encourage them to pay attention to which lines my letters touch.
-Math Homelink 2-3
-Spend at least 10 minutes on JiJi Math
Image result for happy birthday

Special Events:
Monday: Celebrate Sidney's Birthday!
Wednesday: Pride Day (Wear Bay colors)
Thursday: Bay Library comes to us!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Week of September 23, 2019

Monday: Library and Music
Tuesday: Spanish
Wednesday: Physical Education
Thursday: Art
Friday: Music

Theme: Apples and Start With Hello Week
Fundations: The letters "a" and "g"
Wonders: How do tools help us explore?
Math: Triangles and counting to 10

In Your BBE:
-Letter Homework
-Everything else is yours to keep

-Letter Writing Homework:  Please have your child complete in pencil and pay attention to the lines.

Image result for boys birthday
Special Events:
Monday: "Hey Day"
Tuesday: "What good are wings if we don't lift each other up?"
Wednesday: Green Day (Everyone should wear green)
Thursday: "Start with Hello Pledge"
Friday: Parker's Birthday and "No one eats alone"

Friday, September 13, 2019

Week of September 16, 2019

Monday: Library and Art
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Spanish
Thursday: Physical Education
Friday: Art

Theme: Living and Nonliving Things
Fundations: The letters "c" and "o"
Wonders: How can your senses help you learn?
Math: Comparing numbers 1-10

In Your BBE:
-Everything is yours to keep!
Image result for girl birthday

-Math: Homelink 1-13

Special Events:
Monday: Blaire's Birthday
Tuesday: Layla's Birthday and Science with Mrs. S

Friday, September 6, 2019

Week of September 9, 2019

Monday: Library and Physical Education
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Spanish
Friday: Physical Education

Theme: Shapes and Colors
Fundations: The letters "i" and "u"
Wonders: How do baby animals move?
Math: Shapes, Patterns, and Matching

In Your BBE:
-Everything is yours to keep!

Image result for picture day-Math: Homelink 1-9

Special Events:
Tuesday: Science with Mrs. S.
Thursday: See Something Say Something Presentation